Monday, May 3, 2010

Blatant fallacies and snobbery.

I have a feeling that this is going to be an issue with this blog. You know how watching golf is boring until that first time you try and hit a golf ball when you realize that this is actually really fucking difficult and so now Tiger Woods (whores aside) actually looks really talented? It's because once you do something for long enough you start to form educated opinions about when others attempt the same. My good friend the bartender clearly has some opinions. I would like to throw my 2 cents out there about them and then we can move onto the next location.

-Quality of the Margaritas
Was there tequilla in the beverage? Yes. Did it help me mellow out after the ridiculousness that was my work week? Sure did. That's a quality beverage in my book. I didn't realize we were at the Mixology Olympics here.

-Full Disclosure re: cost of things
Now I will give you this one. Happy hour should be an improvement on the normal cost, and this was definitely not that quality. I reference you once again to the presence of tequilla in my drink. Aka I just don't care. JUST. DON'T. CARE.

-The Nachos
The Bartender and I are a competitive pair. Recently we've been trying to get on our own respective health kicks, you know, working out and eating well and what not. It is for this reason that I am just confused about the rage directed at vegetarian nachos (WHICH WE DECIDED TO ORDER, these were not forced on us). The way I see it the more green that presides on a plate full of greasy, cheesy nachos (and despite what she said, there was certainly traditional ingredients like cheese on the chips. she chose to ignore it due to broccoli on the plate. apparently I'm friends with a tiny infant child) the less I need to sprint on the eliptical at the gym. You may believe I am fooling myself. I am. Once again, moving on.

-The bathrooms
Gonna take her word on this one, I make a habit of not breaking the seal after two drinks. That's just me. I do appreciate, though, that they are transgender friendly. Bonus!

Based on this first blogging experience I am guessing I will have to be sticking up for the little guy who doesn't require a five star dining experience every time I want a cocktail. I remain convinced that while this place had some faults that it is overall a win. I may consider retracting that opinion should Ms. MeSoFancy Bartender be able to mix me a better blueberry margarita. I'm free any evening this week.

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